Are you feeling May’s Full Moon Energy?

Angela Mitchell
5 min readMay 17, 2019

May’s Full Moon brings you closer to your authentic self

May 18, 2019
10.11pm (UK TIME)

Tomorrow marks the arrival of May’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the Seasonal Blue Moon (fourth Full Moon following the Equinox). It is also called the “Flower Moon” to symbolise the flowers that are blooming around this time. It was common in the old days to name things inspired by nature or their surroundings. The Flower Moon appeared in the Northern Hemisphere when wildflowers would start blooming.

This is an important Full Moon because with the influence of Scorpio, encourages us to identify what we want and work towards our goals. It is also the sign of rebirth, transformation and intimacy.

When our minds settle on words such as “transformation”, thoughts do wonder off to either wondering if we will turn into a werewolf or transform our lives into say, an Instagram millionaire. The reality is, that the transformation which differs from one person to the other, is often very subtle and may be something as small as a lifestyle change or signing up for a yoga class. This could kickstart a whole new chain of events which will eventually create a change. Sometimes it takes one tiny step to then lead into that path. Not everyone is ready to jump into the big change so gentle nudges are necessary.

Reflections — Original painting by Angela Mitchell

So what I am getting at, is that don’t always expect grandiose gestures when transformation is mentioned. Be open to smaller signs because they are important.

I am feeling the energy of Mother Moon as I write this and I sense that there will be focus on relationships and intimacy this month. There are some who are struggling with letting go but also about being insecure in your relationship.

You are being asked to look deeply within to see where the emotions stem from. Is it you or it is them? That old question right? Sometimes when we are afraid to have a relationship with ourselves, it creates a discomfort which will seep into relationships with other people. Be it colleagues, friends or even a partner. It is a constant nagging ache which will not go away until we address it. For example if you are not happy with yourself, but then meet someone who in your eyes, is too good for you, then you will eventually sabotage the relationship. The ache will get worse and worse because you are experiencing “self-sabotage”.

This Full Moon will throw a few curve balls in your way to cut through that stubbornness to HELP you see the real you.

A little channelled message from my Guide, Yellow Bear:

The shadows can no longer hide the flaws. The idea that we need perfection to be able to love is no longer necessary. Allow yourself to be challenged and open your eyes to the truth. Feel the mirror on you and understand that sometimes we need to see ourselves truthfully to be able to improve our love for others.

This Full Moon brings a new way of thinking. You may have been full of ideas and new beginnings after January’s Full Moon but clueless on how and what to manifest. April would have slowed down considerably and made many of us stumped. “I know what I want but how do I get it?

It is necessary to think out of the box, and look for alternatives. I am being told that we need to broaden our minds to accept different types of people, working in different spaces and expanding business/social networks.

There is a need to bring freshness into our lives be it from interesting characters to being more outdoors instead of a stuffy home office or trying something new, art or cycling for example to meet people you would not normally meet.

You will find new love, friends and even a new you in the process. This links directly to addressing the self sabotage. The more you connect with yourself — the freer you will feel.

The May Full Moon is also associated with Wesak Day which is a celebration of Buddha’s life, death and enlightenment of Buddha. It is a very colourful and vibrant celebration around temples across the world. The main message is to go into SELF and try to attain the enlightenment inspired by Buddha, moving away from a materialistic society and being more in the moment.

We are being encouraged to reflect on the difficult moments to heal and renew, to be able to move forward. We are being asked to seek the answers from within. Most importantly, we are being asked to sit quietly and patiently for enlightenment.

Physical symptoms of the Full Moon

This Full Moon really affects the mental as we have been over thinking things and trying to churn our new ideas. Plus our resistance and stubbornness lays predominantly in the mind. If you are feeling these symptoms and have checked with your doctor then you know change is needed:

~ Feel like you are about to get a cold

~ Thirsty/ dry mouth

~ Sinus playing up

~ Tight neck muscles

We are really feeling it. The Universe is hitting us where it hurts — our minds. The more you resist, the harder it will get. Please do see a medical professional if the symptoms last.

Let go, and go with the flow. Be your authentic self and be true to yourself.

Here is a quick Full Moon ritual to do this weekend. For a step by step guide, please read my FREE Moon Ritual.

Please do give me a “clap” if you found it useful and comment below if it resonates with you.

Angela Mitchell



Angela Mitchell

UK Medium, Teacher, Writer & Spirit Artist specialising in Spirit communication and intuitive energy writer.